Saturday, December 17, 2011

2 month update

Month two....

Sorry, I'm a bit behind on the blog.

Keira is so wonderful! I couldn't ask for a better baby! She has gained a lot since her one month appointment. At her 2 month appointment she weighed 12 lbs. and 6 oz. She was 24 inches long! Which means she has pretty well skipped the 0-3 month clothes. We are now in 3-6 month. :)

We had a problem with her formula the past few weeks. She was breaking out on her face and neck and ears. At first I thought she had baby acne, but it just seem to get worse fast. I called the doctor and she gave me a few options on how to go about figuring out what was wrong. One was to switch to soy formula. I decided to go with that first. Not even 24 hours later her face was a TON better!
LUCKILY, this hasn't effected her sleep. She has been sleeping 6 hours a night. Sometimes 7 hours. She is such a good baby!

Now, we are still struggling with eating however. Keira has acid reflux! So, she eats and then cries a lot afterward. I got medicine yesterday for her. So far she has done better. I hope the medicine helps! If it doesn't we will have to switch to an expensive formula. :( So, I'm praying the medicine works.

My mom has been up for the past two weeks taking care of Keira while we are at work. It has been so wonderful having her here! I never once had to worry about my little baby girl. This week Lori is coming up to watch her for four days! :) It will be nice for both Grandmas to get special time with Keira. We are so LUCKY to have such wonderful parents! Not sure what I would do with out them!

That's all for now. More to come later.