Saturday, December 17, 2011

2 month update

Month two....

Sorry, I'm a bit behind on the blog.

Keira is so wonderful! I couldn't ask for a better baby! She has gained a lot since her one month appointment. At her 2 month appointment she weighed 12 lbs. and 6 oz. She was 24 inches long! Which means she has pretty well skipped the 0-3 month clothes. We are now in 3-6 month. :)

We had a problem with her formula the past few weeks. She was breaking out on her face and neck and ears. At first I thought she had baby acne, but it just seem to get worse fast. I called the doctor and she gave me a few options on how to go about figuring out what was wrong. One was to switch to soy formula. I decided to go with that first. Not even 24 hours later her face was a TON better!
LUCKILY, this hasn't effected her sleep. She has been sleeping 6 hours a night. Sometimes 7 hours. She is such a good baby!

Now, we are still struggling with eating however. Keira has acid reflux! So, she eats and then cries a lot afterward. I got medicine yesterday for her. So far she has done better. I hope the medicine helps! If it doesn't we will have to switch to an expensive formula. :( So, I'm praying the medicine works.

My mom has been up for the past two weeks taking care of Keira while we are at work. It has been so wonderful having her here! I never once had to worry about my little baby girl. This week Lori is coming up to watch her for four days! :) It will be nice for both Grandmas to get special time with Keira. We are so LUCKY to have such wonderful parents! Not sure what I would do with out them!

That's all for now. More to come later.

Tuesday, November 8, 2011


Baby Keira is officially one month old today! I can't believe how fast the time has gone!

She has been a pretty good baby so far. Keira has a bit of schedule going with her sleep. Which is nice! She is sleeping 3 to 4 hour spans at night for the most part. Lately she has been a little off. I am going to blame it on day light savings time. ;) She has decided she thinks my nose is a nipple and whenever we are face to face and she is hungry, she starts to suck on it. It's quite funny! When it is tummy time she is a very strong baby and already knows what to do with her legs. So, once her arms get a little more strength she will be on the move. That is a crazy idea to think about! She has gotten pretty good head control happening. Every once in a while she will go all crazy bobble head on you. She makes all kinds of strange noises. From squeaking to sounding a bit like a horse.  When Keira hears either me or Brandon talk she wakes up and kinda makes a startled movement. She loves her swing! Which is nice when I have to do dishes or laundry. :) We couldn't ask for anything more. Here another picture for everyone.

We are very excited for our new stage of life. I can't wait to see what is to come!

More to come later...

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Introducing Keira Renee Baughman

She is FINALLY here! :)

Miss Keira  Renee Baughman arrived Tuesday morning October 11, 2011.

We were scheduled for an induction on Monday October 10th, 2011 at 7 am. Brandon and my mom came with me. I didn't get started until around 8 am. I had no idea what being induced was all about. I wasn't dilating passed 1 1/2. So, my doctor broke my water. Then I got an epidural. (which was the most traumatic part of the whole thing) Brandon was such a wonderful help in keeping me calm. I am so lucky to have him! The epidural started to wear off so they had to give me more. Then I had to lay on my right side because the medicine wanted to stay on the left side. Once, I dilated passed 6 cm. It seemed to go really fast! Before I knew it, it was time to push. I think we pushed 1 hour and a half and tada she met the world.

We stayed in the hospital until Thursday morning. Brandon stayed home with me the whole week.Which was a huge help in getting adjusted.

Everything is going so WELL! We love being new parents! :)

Thursday, October 6, 2011

Almost 39 weeks....

As most of you know I have been put on bed rest. :( I am going on the tail end of 2 weeks now. It is super boring! I am on bed rest because of constant high blood pressure and swelling in my hands and feet. We had an ultrasound to check on the baby this past Monday. Everything looked good with our little one. The tech check to make sure there was no cord around the neck. :) We didn't get pictures of the little bean because it is so squished in there. We did get to see the eye move around. That was COOL! I was only .5 cm dilated. I am hoping that means I will start moving along in this process.

This last weekend Jim and Lori came up to visit. Lori made us a TON of food that we could freeze. I think we have enough food to last at least a month. I tried to help as much as I could. Jim and Brandon did a few things around the house that needed to get done too. We are so LUCKY to have wonderful people in our lives! Thanks so much!!! We love you so much!

Other than that. Brandon and I have just been hanging out waiting..... Hopeful the next time I blog I will have had this wonderful BABY!!

Until next time...

Sunday, September 18, 2011

36 Weeks.....

I can't believe I haven't posted in 11 weeks. It seems like the time just flew by! So, here is what has been going on in our lives.

We got maternity pictures done when I was 30 weeks. A friend of ours is a wonderful photographer. He did such and amazing job! Some of the pics are up in my facebook. I will be adding more later to that.

The last weekend of August we had a busy weekend. We had both the Baughman baby shower and the Jacobsen baby shower. It was so good to see all of our family and friends!!! We were super surprised at how many wonderful presents we received! I have the all the thank yous done, just need to get stamps for them. So, be on the look out! :) I want to thank my mom and sister for throwing the Jacobsen side shower and Paula, Lindsey and Lori for holding the Baughmans side. We are very lucky to have you all in our lives!!!

Now, that I am at 36 weeks I have noticed  I am starting to do a lot of "nesting" things. It just seems like we have so many projects to get done before the baby arrives. This weekend alone we have already hung a closet organizer, a chandelier, and all the rest of the picture frames we have been meaning to get hung. Brandon is in the process of moving all of our technology things into the new closet. and cleaning out above our clothes closet.
Things left on the list for this weekend is to clean our under the sink to make room for baby soaps, ect.... and to clean the house like we normally do on Sunday.

As you can see Brandon finished painting our dining room also. With the help of Travis. :) We love the color.

That's all for now. Hopefully it won't take me so long to blog again..... Until later.....

Sunday, July 3, 2011

25 Weeks....

This has been a very buys few weeks!

First, Brandon and I just traded in our cars for different ones. Brandon got a red GMC truck. It's is everything he has wanted. It's lifted off the ground super high and has a ton of chrome. Just up his alley. My car is a Chevy Equinox. It gives me a ton more space for when the little one comes. :) Also, it will be a great car for the winter too because, it is All Wheel Drive! The biggest thing I LOVE is it has A/C!!!! :) :)

Next, finally got the baby bedding in, washed, and put on the crib. It looks great!

I also, have my next appointment this Tuesday. It is my Glucose test. Which I am not looking forward to. :( But, owell, there is not much I can do, except get over it. :)

That's all for now....

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

22 weeks :)

Okay, so I'm a bit late on this blog. Sorry.

I am currently 22 and a half weeks along. We had our 21 week ultrasound appointment last week on Monday. It was very interesting to watch. Half the time we had no idea what we were looking at. The ultrasound tech was very good about trying to explain everything. We were in there for a little more then an hour. The baby is so low that he had a hard time getting a clear picture of the baby's brain because, the baby was not only low but upside down too. The baby is a week ahead in it's development too. So, even though I was 21 weeks when we had the ultrasound the baby was already passed 22. We did learn that everything is developing correctly and got some neat pictures. Which I have already posted on my FB page.

I am feeling very good so far. We did have a scare with my vision this week. I woke up and couldn't see straight. So, I called the doctor right away. They got me in to see our eye doctor and she sent me to a specialist in Sioux Falls. Turns out I have an eye hemorrhage in my left retina. I have to go back in July to make sure it has cleared up. Still don't really know what happened to cause it. Who knows. I feel like I am eating everything in sight. All of my food aversions are gone and I can now eat everything. :)

New development with the baby bump. I can not only feel the baby kicking non-stop but, now I can see my stomach move. It's SOOOOOOOO weird but, cool at the same time. Brandon is getting very excited about being able to see it happen too.

That's all for now.....